For visionary parenting we need develop certain skills in ourselves which is important for becoming a visionary parent. Most of the time parents are under – confident & anxious about their own skills & capabilities which tend to affect their role & performance as parents. Thus, it is important to look into ourselves first before we turn towards our children. Parenting is a process of care taking, educating from which you help your child grow from dependent to independent adult.
Parenting is a process, which entails life long learning & improving their skills on the part of parents. Contrary to most parent’s belief, parenting cannot be learnt through a few workshops or one or two courses. The reason is simple : as you are learning different parenting behavior in your life, your child is growing all the time, so in a way by the time you have learnt to adopt & implement your skills on your toddler, he has grown into a teenager & so on & so forth.
Different stages of your child development
Therefore, you need to keep pace of your learning with the different stages of your child development & also with the varying situations. Moreover, as your family expands & you have more children, the dynamics of parenting change. Parenting is about caretaking. It’s not about rituals, settings up, time tables, rules, or a set of do’s & dont’s. It about connecting to child & the important thing to remember is that the more care you give to your child, the more receptive he will be towards you. You should give your child best education which include both worldly & deen – so that your children can give the best productivity for the pleasure of Allah (swt) in this life & the hereafter.
( Allah knows the best. Jazak Allah Khair ) .
Written By : Shaheen Naaz
Sources : ( ).
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Parenting is very important and for child improvement and growth good parenting is an important thing. I like this site’s content.