Take Hijaab- Shield Of Women
I take hijaab so that your husband remains safe
That lady was not boarded on the bus completely when the conductor closed the door and her hijaab got stuck in the door.
Meanwhile, a lady who was not wearing chadar said in a high tone, ”look at her, is this the way to cover yourself why some people put themselves in pain.”
That lady who was covering herself with the chadar went near the other lady and sat next to her and said in a low tone so that only she can hear. “I take hijab so that if your husband could not control his eyes then your house and your life remains unharmed. Your husband would not be fed up with you. His love and attention must not descend towards you. I am a woman and I need attention to my beauty. But I bear the warmth of summer and protects myself in the extreme cold of winter with this chadar so that your home remains safe and I think of it important to me.”
She said and be quiet for a moment for a reply. Then she continued:
“It is not appropriate that women show their colorful hair and wear skin-tight dresses and attract my husband’s love and interest. Now you decide with justice that you should criticise the way of my dress up or I should do that.”
The other lady replied with embarrassment that:
“ I have never thought of hijab from this angle,”
Non-religious mindset presents the life and gender of a lady like a product whereas religion wants her to be signified as a human and not like an eye candy.
Taking hijaab makes women easy, comfortable and safer from the evil eyes.