Lesson of life Based on true story

Lesson of life Based on true story

A wife got cheated by her husband. She caught on her husband sending romantic message back and forth to a woman. She screamed a lot after reading it and demanded her husband to give her divorce. She could not bear it because it was not first time he cheated her. Her husband just kept quiet and listened while she was shouting and yelling to him. She was crying after that. Her husband tried to make her cool and convince her that is only a          misunderstanding and just a work matter.

She could not believe that he did it again. Yeah, that affair is her husband’s collogue.



The initial pains still play in her chest while she is trying to recover it alone. Her disbelief that her husband could do it again lingered. Emotional cheating was so painful, just as much as physical cheating.

Crying and crying in Prayers

She crying and crying in her prays, asking for Allah’s help to give her strength while her husband doesn’t care about her feelings. He is busy with his mobile all the time and keeps all secrets and keeps his mobile with a password. Her trust to him is broken now. But she is trying to build it up of her 4 beautiful kids.

Pain, hurt, lonely, alone, ect she felt.  Then on the top of her lowest Imaan, she contact her ex-boyfriend who already married and has kids too. In her mind only want to take revenge on her husband action which hurt her a lot. She got her ex-boyfriends number and they started conversation. Asking how are you and all. Then the man asks her,

“How is your life going? I miss you a lot.”

And he said sorry for past he could not marry her because his mother did not allow him. Then the woman started sharing her personal life to her ex. How her life in her home and how her husband cheated on her. The man just listened and so suddenly he said to her that we have to stop this conversation. I will delete your number and please you also delete my number. She was just surprised, why? I just got your number. And I just want to talk to you. I feel lonely. My husband doesn’t care about my feelings. She said that he didn’t care his wifes feelings.

Someone who can listen to me

I just want to have someone whom can listen to me, who can make me smile, who can give me moral support. Ect. Then the men said, I’m sorry I have a family and I have a wife now.  I don’t want to lose her trust. It’s the same I cheat on her when I chat with you like this. Please burry all our past. I have my family and you have your family.

Please don’t ask anything to your husband and keep serve him. ALLAH SWT will help you and your family but we should not do wrong things too. Tears come from her cheek while they’re both chatting. She in other country and him in his country a, they were a world away from each other, but the message was clear.

Your words are so touching

Your words are so touching, she said. Your wife must be so happy to have you. That woman said to her ex-boyfriend. I wish to marry you but Allah has different plan for both of us. I can’t force you, I just want to find comfort by talking with you but your advice opened my mind and heart. Only Allah can comfort to take all our heart pain and hurt.

Second lesson I could take from this, no matter how much pain others wrong us, don’t take revenge and put our level become their level. Let Allah alone will do best because He is most just and watch everything. Third, in this era where anyone can cheat on another, where  it can be easy to lie to one another, there are pious persons like you who strictly said, I don’t want to lose trust of my wife…

Then, she said sorry to him and both deleting each other’s number. And never got in touch again.

May Allah forgive that wife who wanted to take revenge and fill her heart with peace,  may Allah bless the pious men who become her reminder that what is wrong is wrong and should be avoided.

May Allah bless all married and save all married from evil action. Have good understanding, honest of each other, appreciate of each other, have good communication, ect for healthy relationship. Ameen.

Submitted by

Sister Aisha

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May Allah SWT bless all Muslim brothers and sisters with happiness in their family life!

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10 thoughts on “Lesson of life Based on true story”

  1. Similar situation I am in right now. We have 3 children and 1 on the way. My husband ex girlfriend from 20 years ago reached out to him complaining about her husband/now ex husband and blah blah blah. She is trying to break up my home thinking I want to be a co-wive with her after all she did. May Allah guide my husband in the right direction and guide me as well.

  2. This has happened to me. My husband cheated me by having extra marital affair and now he doesn’t stay with me and my children. He left us all alone.

  3. Really this story is similar to so many women’s I say only Allah alone can help us its very tough n big test of a women especially with her husband whom she loves from her deep heart thinking he will never Ditch her again n again may Allah help every woman who is going through these kind of really story. Jaza kallahu khairain

  4. Masha Allah it’s a wonderful article..
    I have been going through the same pain… My husband has cheated on me. We have a 3 month old baby and few days back i got to know about his affair..

  5. Subhan’Allah, the article spoke directly to me. Facing the very same situation now…Allah bless you for the eye-opening message.
    Your emaan level must not drop because someone has dropped his. Everyone is responsible for their deeds and misdeeds. May Allah keep guiding us aways.

  6. Why always wives are informed to tolerate their cheating husband no matter whatever he does to them while if the husband got doubt of their wives Islam allows them to beat up the wives?

  7. Please edit stories before publishing them. This article has so many grammatical, spelling errors. Thank you and jazak Allah for your efforts.

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