Dear Daughter, You’re the one who takes all my sorrows far away

Whenever I get back home from the office, tired and exhausted,

You come running towards me with open arms.



With your sweet voice calling me “Daddy! Daddy!”

You show me your doll with such excitement.

And then you ask me for a little treat,

With your eyes searching my face for expressions.

My little nod in agreement is enough to excite you,

And you go running to your mom,

Informing her that I’m going to buy treats for you,

And feed you with my own hands.

You take me to the park often,

And ask me to chase you in a game.

I get tired and look for a place to sit,

While you massage my legs with your dainty, little hands.

You’re the one with whom all my exhaustion fades away,

You’re the one who takes all my sorrows far away.

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May Allah SWT bless all Muslim brothers and sisters with happiness in their family life!


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